Art and design

kindergarten printable 3d shapes naming worksheet
3d shape name matching worksheet for grade 1 Whether its identifying 3D figures like cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres, prisms, pyramids, or labeling, matching, and Write the name of the shape.

Printable my favorite color worksheet for kindergarten
my favorite color activity for preschool Explore your favorite color with this fun worksheet! Draw something that represents your favorite color. Share why you love this color and the emotions it evokes for you. Reflect on any special memories connected to your favorite color and express it through a drawing. Enjoy the colorful journey!

Printable my favourite toy writing worksheet for for kindergarten
**preschool favourite toy worksheet **for grade 1 is perfect for students to do a great presentation. If you ask your students to talk about their favorite toys in the class.

Printable kindergarten short shorter shortest worksheets
short shorter shortest worksheet for grade 1 Students will compare heights of objects and decide which one is short, which one is shorter, and which one is theshortest. They will also practice writing the words, short, shorter, and shortest.

Printable cause and effect blank worksheet - Blank cause and effect template
elementary cause and effect graphic organizer for students to use for the reading strategy, cause and effect, as a reading response.